Talking For a Change

This morning, I decided to try something a little different. Instead of kicking off my stream with a few minutes of getting organized and then getting into my first sprint – to make sure I had time for 4 sprints each morning – I spent a solid 30 minutes chatting and definitely getting to 2 sprints and wondering if I would get to a third.

The reasoning is simple enough – I want to explore more than just writing on my channel, and if all I’m doing is sprinting, I won’t necessarily stop to do that. I still have a lot to learn about the writing process, especially on the publishing side, and the way I can learn about it more is engaging the community with discourse. At least, that’s the hope behind it.

I ended up writing fewer words today, but felt better because of that discussion. So – hopefully – that will go well.

The problem now though, is making sure I have something to say. This morning was off-the-cuff and I think I managed well enough. Will I be able to replicate that tomorrow? the next day? all next week? That remains to be seen. In any case, it is part of my journey out here and we’ll see how it goes.

Speaking of journeys, Future’s Lens is out there for purchase. If you pick it up, I hope you take a moment to rate it when you are done reading it. Ratings matter – and good or bad – I want to know that there are people out there reading it.

To that end, I spent a few minutes tonight making sure I at least rated the last few books I’ve read. I hope you do too.

I’ve received word that we are FULL UP on registered people to read out loud on Feb 1st’s World Read Aloud Day (#WRAD). Things kick off at 0:00 UTC on Feb 1st on my channel. More info will be available very soon.

Tomorrow – we’re building a LEGO dragon on stream. Maybe some writing too. We’ll see how it goes. Come join me for the fun.

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