Day 23: Goal 1667, Actual 1674

“I thought you were supposed to be writing.”

My daughter was postponing bed time by coming out to check on my progress. She was right that I had told the kids I needed them to go to bed so I could write. And I should have been. In my defense though, since she was still awake and checking on me, clearly she wasn’t in bed…

The end is real close. Too close I think. I definitely just wrote the end of the climax tonight, which should leave a section to wrap up the rest. Unfortunately, that’s an awful lot of closing material unless I decide to add a scene in the middle somewhere. Certainly a possibility of course, but I’ll have to see how it goes.

I managed to work the characters out of “certain death” tonight. No small amount of luck was on their side of course, but it helps to have a writer who wants them to succeed behind their actions. Some days I wish nothing good for my characters, but not today. Today I wanted them to succeed and they did. So good job guys, you succeeded. Now run off and finish this story so I can get back to business 🙂

I found myself reviewing some of the posts from last year and particularly enjoyed this one. Aside from whimsical cookies, it was mostly because of the transcript of the conversation with my brother about NaNo. That was his first attempt (and success), and while I think he has been having a harder time of it this year, I am glad to have him along for the journey.

I’m about 2 days ahead of pace right now. If the past is any indication, I probably won’t write much on Thanksgiving, but I think I’ve mentioned already that since Saturday is the 30th and because I won’t have the kids during the day, I should be able to churn out whatever is left that day, if anything. Hopefully that will not make me procrastinate, but at the same time, I’m not going to shy away from the challenge.

Happy week 4 people. The end is here. Well actually – it is right over there. A week from today…

2 responses to “Day 23: Goal 1667, Actual 1674”

  1. Actually it is harder and easier this year. It’s easier because I can write faster than before. Hitting 1,667 words a day is something I can regularly hit (although it still takes more time for me than you). It is harder mainly because I don’t like my story and characters as much. My settings feels harder to expand to meet the 50k goal. I think I should have planned better on the characters and story. For example I added another character in but he feels like a copy of the main character. My story has three programmers as very important and one as somewhat important. I should have more variety of people.

    1. Making characters distinct is a constant challenge I work with. Although I can generally classify them as separate due to physical description, I find that most of the time they have the same voice in their actions, mannerisms and speech. Especially during NaNo when I really don’t set down to think about how I can nuance a particular character that way. I definitely understand the trouble though.

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